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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lymphosarcoma pyometra in a cow

Keywords: lymphosarcoma, pyometra, cow, unusual, BLV, leucosis, bovine, uterus, pus

Image size: 1182 x 1756px

An unusual form of pyometra in a cow. Usually, pyometra in cows is due to infection with Arcanobacter pyogenes during the postpartum period. In this case, pyometra was due to bovine leukosis caused by the bovine leukemia virus (BLV). Usually, cows with leucosis in the uterus have multiple nodular disseminated foci of lymphosarcoma; occasionally, large plaques of lymphosarcoma in the myometrium. In this case, there were no the typical modules of lymphosarcoma in the uterus. Instead there was a large volume of pus in the uterus, composed entirely of lymphocytes. As is usual, the cow also had disseminated leucosis nodules throughout many of its organs; the spinal canal, heart, liver etc.